
Former Little Blue Orange PH, 30 Otley Road, Baildon, BD17 7QA
Development Opportunity with Planning Consent for 14 dwellings



We are pleased to offer the former Little Blue Orange public house to the market.

A substantial fully refurbished former Public House property equating to approximately 2,649 sq ft (246.16 sq M) (GIA) on a site of approximately 0.60 Acres (0.243 HA)

The property comprises a two storey stone constructed building with stone roof.  The property has been fully refurbished to a very high standard throughout and was most recently operated as a public house and restaurant.

The property has an established use under A4 of the current Use Classes Order.

The site has Outline Planning Consent for residential development– Ref No: 16/01961/MAO – and is subject to Reserved Matters and S.106 Agreement.

The proposed development is for 14 new dwellings, comprising of 9 no. apartments (673 sq ft each) and 3 no. 3 storey, 4 bedroom townhouses (1,320 sq ft), and 2 no. 2 storey, 3 bedroom townhouses (927 sq ft each)

Please do not hesitate to contact the sole selling agent, Bielby Associates to discuss the opportunity in further detail.

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